Custom Card Slider Using HTML, CSS, Javascript, and Owl Carousel Plugin
Hello friends, today in this blog you’ll learn how to create a custom card slider using HTML, CSS, Javascript, and owl carousel plugin. In our previous blog, we saw how to create a custom video player design using HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Now it’s time to create a custom card slider. I’ve also shared many projects related to Javascript. So don’t forget to check here.
What is a card?
A card is an element that is used to show some information or it is also used for presenting the price of some products. Each card is designed to make it easy to read for the user.
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In this design [Custom Card Slider] Jquery and Owl Carousel Plugin have been used. There are six cards in the middle of the page as you can see in the image above. These cards scroll automatically after two seconds when you hover or touch on any card it will stop scrolling. It also has slide indicators. If you are confused about what am I trying to say, so you can check the code and preview it as well.
Source Code and Preview are available here.